Page name: multicolored angels [Logged in view] [RSS]
2005-08-17 01:23:31
Last author: Demon-child
Owner: BergundyAngel
# of watchers: 5
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Welcome to...... MULTICOLORED ANGELS.........

you have recieved an invitation. it says:
" Welcome. i would like for you all to come to my humble abode and use your inhabitation of my home to meet new people and converse on all subjects of your interest.
     sincerely yours,
as you approach the house you see an enormas Steel door. it is intricately designed with beautiful angels and those who have been damned to walk the earth for eternity.

from this point you enter the home and are surrounded by color labeled rooms and then there are rooms with no names. only labels by a sign that says this: "only to be claimed by perminent residents. all are welcome"

your days as lonely and fearful or indignant beings is over you are all hereby instructed to befriend others and coexist in peace. till a problem arises... Enjoy and be free to be.

House Tour

Character Pics@MA

[Ashoka Virlym] made this. it is so cool

pictures of known animals throughout the various areas on the property. enjoy yourself and explore to your hearts content.
The Stables@MA
The Yard@MA
The Pasture@MA
The Lake@MA
The House@MA
The Woods@MA

Home Owner: [BergundyAngel]-Baal
 Desciption: silver/green eyes, long flowing sandy blonde hair with streaks of silver, velvety smooth bat-like wings, a pair of rear facing curved bull-like horns at the crown of brow, long sharp fangs, body covered in faint scars, claws adorned in pewter rings, long tail that ends in a needle sharp pointed spur.
 Personality: friendly and accomodating,though if provoked will enforce house rules and personal power.
 Likes: kindly, well mannered people with large intellects and a common knowledge of senority and ranking.also people that enjoy having fun and integrating with those around them.
 Dislikes:rude, unforgiving, and unintelligable people who have no remorse for their actions.

1:[orchidflame]: Dramora
 Color: Green
 Description: she is a gargoyle angel,she's wearing a gold crown thing on her forehead and beautiful twistinn brace lets on her legs and arms and gold earings,she has very large wings,purplish blue eyes,whitish silver hair in a braid,she's wearing a pinkish tan skirt and belly shirt,she has a long tail,she's very beautiful,when she's feeling a very powerful emotion she glows different colors for each strong emotion and sometimes people and animals around her glow the same color if they feel the same and or they feel her presence,she's great with animals and whistles to them a beautifuly haunting tune that draws only the ones that are made to be with her to her,her best animal friend is a palomino hippogriff stallion^_^
 Personality: friendly but usualy not easy to become friends with,very inteligent,kind but only to those who show kindness to others,mean and extremely cruel only to people she hates or are evil,distrusting for very good reasons,very tuff and strong willed,very cocky and brave and spunky

2: [Ashoka Virlym]: Auden Skyler
 Description: 15 years old, wheres a father's outfit"chruch father" wear hat all black, Or whatever i feel like wearing. I dont know my past and i dont like to talk alot.
Eyes: changes, hair:Durty blond, Body:rather on the thin side, Height:6, weight:120, Face:oval, Ears:normal human ears and on my left ear i have the tip of my ear pierced with two peircings and the lower part of my ears i have a metal band in my ears.... Fingers:a little thin but strong, clothing: whatever i feel like

3: [Demon-child]: Rauka
Description: Ageless, wears simple black pants and a long-sleeved dark-gray shirt with black boot-like shoes. Or whatever she feels like. Long red-blonde snakes for hair, usually back in a braid, when angered they hiss. Eyes are usually amber, but can change colour with mood, and glow when pissed. Thinnish, rather tall, slightly androgynous looking, with a pointed, longish face. Deceptively small, delicate-looking hands.
Personality: Sort of quiet, darkly sarcastic sense of humour, but has extreme mood swings so can be quite bubbly at times. Rather intelligent, pretends to have no morals and be cold and evil, but is accused of being just as much of a hero as the others.
Likes: sweet food, intelligent and witty people, animals, various musics (plays the flute and can occasionally call some animals if she does it just right).
Dislikes: arrogance, betrayal, and chauvinism.

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2005-08-13 [orchidflame]: *is laughing my head off at his embaressment laying on the floor*

2005-08-13 [BergundyAngel]: *grins and startes cleaning your wounds* now tell me if this hurts. after i clean it i'll numb it and then sew it up. you'll be good as new. *being as gentle as possible with the cotton swabs and alcohol*

2005-08-13 [orchidflame]: *sighs happily*that was sooo funny

2005-08-13 [BergundyAngel]: *pats dramora on the shoulder* its all going to be absolutely fine. *smiling and continuing with the wounds*

2005-08-13 [orchidflame]: *burst out laughing all over again*I never had doubt!!!!!!!!!!lol XD

2005-08-13 [BergundyAngel]: *just smiles and continues*

2005-08-13 [Ashoka Virlym]: *looks at them as my face was red*,,,,

2005-08-13 [BergundyAngel]: *looks at argyles face* dramora... could you go get a cool wet cloth out of the bathroom? *finishes cleaning the wounds and greats a small needle with a numbing agent in it and numbs your neck*

2005-08-13 [orchidflame]: ((its Auden you keep calling him argyle^_^lol))

2005-08-13 [orchidflame]: *laughs*I dont think it will help he's just blushing*hands her a cold wet cloth still laughing*

2005-08-13 [Ashoka Virlym]: *takes the overs off my head*you not need to num my neck and face you can just do what you need to do...

2005-08-13 [BergundyAngel]: ((oh my god i didn't realise i was doing that. I think my face is blood red from blushing .jeez i cant believe i did that)) *giggles and blushes* i think it may still be needed. even if it may be for me.

2005-08-13 [Ashoka Virlym]: ((hey it's ok i started to write something in another wiki thinking it was this wiki so it's ok BergundyAngel))

2005-08-13 [BergundyAngel]: ((i'm really sorry. dragonight i really didn't mean to be so goofy abou that.)) *looking at dramora* honestly could you get a cool wet cloth. and maybe a glass of water? *poking AUDENs' neck to make sure it is numb*

2005-08-13 [orchidflame]: ((*laughs*this has got to be the 2 weirdest thing Ive every witnessed on a wiki,people are sticking surgical needles in other peoples "bums"XD!!!!!))

2005-08-13 [orchidflame]: *hands her a glass of water and a cold wet cloth*

2005-08-13 [Ashoka Virlym]: *looks at her*you know you didnt need to numb it...*rolls eyes*...((it's ok I knew what your where talk about and who*smiles*))

2005-08-13 [BergundyAngel]: ((hey it makes it more interesting and gives people a great laugh)) thank you for the water. *looks at auden* i needed to numb it for my sake. if you wince or anything lke that then i freak out. and i may very well stab myself. *laughs a little and begins sewing your neck*

2005-08-13 [orchidflame]: *rolls eyes at "Mr.Tuff Guy"*yes she did Mr.Tuff Guy*laughs*

2005-08-13 [Ashoka Virlym]: *smiles alittle*what about the one on my cheek?..

2005-08-13 [orchidflame]: *gasps and laughs*are you trying to get her to kiss your cheek???O_O

2005-08-13 [BergundyAngel]: ummm that could be a problem *cringes a little* i dont have anymore numbing agent. if you cringe i'll cry i promise.

2005-08-13 [Ashoka Virlym]: no..i just feel a deep cut on my cheek....thank you..

2005-08-13 [orchidflame]: *smiles*

2005-08-13 [BergundyAngel]: *looks down and covers my face* oh god *blushing deeply*

2005-08-13 [Ashoka Virlym]: oh who cares on dont worry about the on my cheek...

2005-08-13 [orchidflame]: *comforts Baal*oh Im sorry he didnt realy want a kiss....................*hugs her*

2005-08-13 [BergundyAngel]: *uncovers my face* i didn't say i wouldn't fix it i just said that if you flinch i'll cry. *reachs down and begins suituring your neck* i didn't mean to get all embarressed it was just kinda.. well.. embarressing for *looking at dramora* you to say things like that.

2005-08-13 [Ashoka Virlym]: *looks to the side so she has more of my numb neck*

2005-08-13 [orchidflame]: *looks embarressed*I didnt think you'd take it litteraly!!!-_-'Im sure Auden wouldnt mind a kiss,would you Auden?

2005-08-14 [BergundyAngel]: *stumbles with the stitching* oh please stop with that nonsence i need to concentrait. continueing with the stitches*

2005-08-14 [orchidflame]: *mumbles*sorry Baal

2005-08-14 [Ashoka Virlym]: *looks at her and my face turns red*um

2005-08-14 [BergundyAngel]: *paying attention to the wounds on audens' neck* i didn't mean to sound so distraught but it just stresses me out to be so close to someone and them trust me with a needle to sew them up. i haven't had to do this often so i haven't had practice. *thinking to myself now i sound like a little kid who has no clue of what i'm doing. oh jeez just stop and finish your work*

2005-08-14 [Ashoka Virlym]: *smiles*well i think you doing a good job with it...

2005-08-14 [orchidflame]: *rolls eyes*my gosh people-_-'all so modest are we!

2005-08-14 [Ashoka Virlym]: *looks at Dramora and smiles alittle and holding still*..

2005-08-14 [BergundyAngel]: *thinking hard for a moment and tieing off the first row of stitchs* which is better? modesty and keeping things at bay or brutal honestly and letting things run in wild abandon? i vote on modesty. *especially in company* dramora could you hand me that cup of water again i need a drink. *reachs for the alcohl swabs again and starting to work on audens cheek*

2005-08-14 [orchidflame]: *hands her the cup of water*I vote for both*shrugs*sometimes you should be modest sometimes you shouldnt,so thats why I vote for both

2005-08-14 [BergundyAngel]: *taking the cup and draining it* i must agree. both come in good use but i vote that modesty should be used the majority of the time. *stitching up audens cheek very very gently as to not cause to much pain.*

2005-08-14 [orchidflame]: *laughs*you never wanna see me in the mornin' then-_-'

2005-08-14 [BergundyAngel]: *carefully stops stitching and lets go of the needle and suiture then starts laughing so hard i almost fall off the bed* ooooohhhhh that was way too much information. i sooo didn't need to know tha. but it is funny. *calmer yet still giggling i continue to stitch audens face*

2005-08-14 [orchidflame]: *eyes widen*you know what I meant dont you?-_-'whoops............

2005-08-14 [Ashoka Virlym]: i did say you dont have to do my cheek.....

2005-08-14 [BergundyAngel]: Laughs a little as i tie off the last of audens stitchs* again too much info. i get it but i wish i didn't. *laughs again and runs my hand along the stitchs to make sure they are flush/smooth* ok i think you did great and with dramora talking here i couldn't think of how stressful it was. i think they look just fine. *smiles. proud of my work*

2005-08-14 [BergundyAngel]: it was no problem. *smiles and gets up off the bed* you need to stay put for a little bit and make sure the antidote has sset in and gets all the poison out of your system.

2005-08-14 [orchidflame]: *laughs*ok now that everyone know what I do in the morning,I think we should do something fun to take are minds off of it-_-'

2005-08-14 [BergundyAngel]: *sighs* he needs to rest he was poisoned.

2005-08-14 [Ashoka Virlym]: *shiver alittle from her touch on my cheek*....*then nods*ok...

2005-08-14 [orchidflame]: *nods*yea but you and me can watch a movie or cook or something*shrugs*

2005-08-14 [Ashoka Virlym]: *looks back from Baal then to Dramora then back to Baal*...

2005-08-14 [BergundyAngel]: how about you and i *looking at dramora* go and make some food. *looking at auden* what would you like to eat? just name it and i bet i have it *smileing calmly and puting all the bandages and needles and so on away. i hand a large bandade for his shoulder and a small one to cover the stitches on his cheek.*these are for seepage. if you bleed anymore i dont want it on my bed. observing the small spots that were already on my bed and smiling*

2005-08-14 [orchidflame]: *smiles*lead the way to the kitchen my friend Baal^_^

2005-08-14 [Ashoka Virlym]: *rolls eyes*i dont know....what i want...just make whatever...

2005-08-14 [BergundyAngel]: okies *heads for the door then stops and turns around* you mr. *pointing at auden* need to stay in bed and rest. then leaves the room and bounds down the stairs whistling the tune to pop goes the weasal*

2005-08-14 [orchidflame]: *follows Baal calling back over my shoulder*ok Ill make human eye balls!!!!!*grins sarcasticly*just kiddin'

2005-08-14 [Ashoka Virlym]: *yells back*YUMM MY FAVORITE!!!*smiles and gets under the cover then laies down my head on the pillow and soon falls asleep*

2005-08-14 [BergundyAngel]: *Stopping at the bottom of the stairs just to get a grip on myself* what the hell is my problem... i haven't whistled in years. to be honest i haven't bound down a single flight of stairs since i was a kid. *thinking to myself i must have lost my marbles*

2005-08-14 [orchidflame]: *giggles for the first time in a very long time and whispers in her ear*your in love with Auden!!!!!^_^

2005-08-14 [BergundyAngel]: *shock* no way. starts walking to the kitchen as if to try to leave that idea behind. there is no possible way.. turning into the kitchen and heading straight for the pantry. there is absolutely no way that could happen *begins searching for something to eat*

2005-08-14 [orchidflame]: *grins leaning on the closed door locking us in*yes you are!!!!!!!ADMIT IT!!!!!!!!!!

2005-08-14 [Ashoka Virlym]: *i turn over so i can me on my stomach and i lay on my "good" side of my face so that my "scar" shows*

2005-08-14 [BergundyAngel]: *panik* i wont admit anything that i am unsure of or at least dont want to believe. and you cant make me*moving to the refrigerator and taking out lettace peppers tomatoes carrots and clery and cucumber and puting them in the sink to wash them* i dont know what your talking about. you must have lost your mind. did you eat some poisonous fruit or somethig *diligently at work on the vegitables*

2005-08-14 [orchidflame]: *grins*OH YES I CAN MAKE YOU!!!!!*tackle hugs her and sits on her lightly,tickles her unmercifuly*tell me you at least have a crush on him!!!!!!!!!

2005-08-14 [BergundyAngel]: *wriggling and screaming* no way on earth can you ...... oh my god ok ok ok i give.....

2005-08-14 [orchidflame]: *laughs*now tell me,who do you love???

2005-08-14 [BergundyAngel]: ooohhh i thought you would get off me if i told you i gave *wrigling wildly* i wont admit to anything. but i do have to work on cooking food.

2005-08-14 [orchidflame]: *lets her up rather reluctantly*

2005-08-14 [Ashoka Virlym]: *still sleeping*

2005-08-14 [BergundyAngel]: *starts to work on the food* i guess i might maybe just a little tiny bit like him. but that doesn't mean i am admitting to anything. *gets pans and everything to cook with out by the stove and starts the cookable veggies* *starts smiling and humming again*

2005-08-14 [Ashoka Virlym]: ...........

2005-08-14 [orchidflame]: *snickers and sits down in a chair by the table drinking a cherry soda,what are you making?

2005-08-14 [BergundyAngel]: *looks at dramora and playfully glares* ooohh this is your fault i let myself believe this. *goes to fridge and gets out a large slab of deer meat and starts to cut it up* are you going to help me or what? *smiles*

2005-08-14 [BergundyAngel]: ummm i'm not totally sure what i'm making. *looks back at you* maybe you can make a dessert.

2005-08-14 [orchidflame]: *smiles*sure starts to expertly make a mixed berry cheesecake from scratch*

2005-08-14 [Ashoka Virlym]: <..*wakes up from pain in his cheek*....

2005-08-14 [BergundyAngel]: *expertisely cooking the deer and making homemade (german pasta balls) spetial.* i dont know how this happened. i haven't liked anyone. not like this any ways. how could this have happened to me. i just got my life straightened out and set right and now something like this happens *getting a salad ready and finishing the meat.* the veggies are almost done and the meat is done i'll just finish with the veggies and a salad then we just have to wait on your dessert. *smiles but with no conviction*

2005-08-14 [orchidflame]: *finishes the cheesecake and stares at my master piece*its beautiful!!!!I havent lost my touch!!!!*grins*

2005-08-14 [BergundyAngel]: *looks at the cake and takes a deep breath* oh my it smells wonderful. *gets three plate and bowls out for the food and starts making up the platers to take up stairsto auden* well i better cheer up and be better i need to quit worrying about's just childish talk. lets go you can carry the cake.

2005-08-14 [orchidflame]: *carries the cake happily*thank you for the complement I love making deserts*blushes embarressed*

2005-08-14 [BergundyAngel]: Heads up the stairs happily with the heavy platter of food* you and i are going to have to have a talk later *looks back and smiles* reaching the top of the stairs* could you open the door *stepping away* my hands are full.

2005-08-14 [orchidflame]: *opens the door*foods here Auden!*smiles setting the cake in the middle of a large table*

2005-08-14 [BergundyAngel]: *setting the food down i head over to the bed. laying my hand on audens shoulder* are you awake? *gently shakes him*

2005-08-14 [Ashoka Virlym]: *looks at then then puts my head back in the pillow and then puts my head under it*...

2005-08-14 [BergundyAngel]: *looks slightly worried* are ytou feeling well?

2005-08-14 [Ashoka Virlym]: *mubbles under the pillow*my cheek hurt and i dont want to eat anything because i might make it worst....

2005-08-14 [BergundyAngel]: do you want me to find some pain killers? i am sure i have some somewhere around here. and if not in the house they are surely out in the barn *smiles gently and lifts the pillow off audens head to see his face*

2005-08-14 [Ashoka Virlym]: *looks at her then faces the other why*i dont care..

2005-08-14 [BergundyAngel]: * a bit worried i look to dramora for some grasp on whatwas going on*

2005-08-14 [Ashoka Virlym]: *just before you know it i was out*

2005-08-14 [BergundyAngel]: * i take a deep heavy sigh* *whispering* i dont know what happened. people dont get this angry after being poisoned. usually they get rather hysterical and goofy. *shrugs8 do you want to try to get this stuff back down stairs or do you want to eat up here?

2005-08-14 [orchidflame]: *sighs*Ill be back*flies after him and picks him up and carries him back to the bedroom and drops him rather roughly on the bed*stay or Ill eat you*grins showing my fangs*

2005-08-14 [BergundyAngel]: * entering the bathroom and closing the door i sit on the edge of the jacuzzi and ponder saddly what was the cause of this sudden change in attitude*

2005-08-14 [Ashoka Virlym]: *still.....sleeping*

2005-08-14 [orchidflame]: *walks into the bathroom and closing the door behind me*if he hurt you Ill kill that kid Baal*growls tail swishing angrily*

2005-08-14 [BergundyAngel]: no it just dont understand what could have happened to cause such a mood change. poisoning wouldn't do it an allergic reaction to the antidote might but he would also swell like a great green balloon and other than that *really whinny crying voice* he's in my bed *pouty face and heavy sighs* i wouldn't feelcomfortable sharing a bed with him right now. he may try to kick me out of my own bed if i tried to go to sleep.

2005-08-14 [BergundyAngel]: * i get up and leave dramora alone in the bathroom* i am going for a walk. i wont to be alone. *goes downthe stairs and outside. lies down in the yard and watches the stars* what is it that controls peoples emotions. why cant people keep there emotions in check? *sighs heavily and gazes blankly at the stars*

2005-08-14 [Ashoka Virlym]: *wakes up then looks around then get up and looks around again and i hold my pants*

2005-08-14 [BergundyAngel]: * i start to dose off and start back to awareness and realise i am out side* forget it i am going to go to bed and there is nothing he can do about it. *goes back inside and to my room* *standing there staring at auden made me no longer tired but i decided i needed sleep* * i slip into bed on top of the covers and cling to the very edge of the bed as far from him as possible* why do i let this happen * i begin to dose off and am soon in a deep sleep*

2005-08-14 [orchidflame]: *sighs and goes out of the bathroom and sits down in a chair by the bed*

2005-08-14 [BergundyAngel]: * i roll over to get more comfortable but seem to stay ver close tothe edge*

2005-08-14 [Ashoka Virlym]: *finds the bathroom*...

2005-08-14 [BergundyAngel]: *starts twitching violently and almost falls off the bed*

2005-08-14 [orchidflame]: *sighs watching*just goes to sleep Baal

2005-08-14 [Ashoka Virlym]: ...*looks around after i went to the bathroom*??...Baal?..?.Dramora?..

2005-08-14 [BergundyAngel]: * barely stirs but coninues to sleep*

2005-08-14 [orchidflame]: *looks at him*right here Auden,what cha want?

2005-08-14 [Ashoka Virlym]: *goes over to Dramora and hugs her*im alittle scared of the dark..

2005-08-14 [orchidflame]: *hugs him back*its ok

2005-08-14 [BergundyAngel]: * a whipping sound emmits from the dark. a faint outline of a tail twitching is noticed in the dark. it is my tail. i roll over again searching for how to get under my covers but fail and rest in sleep*

2005-08-14 [Ashoka Virlym]: *looks at you*im sorry taht if i wasnt actting like a jerk ..i dont know my cheek was hurting bad that i didnt feel like eating or anything..

2005-08-14 [orchidflame]: *smiles*its ok I understand

2005-08-14 [BergundyAngel]: *mummble some strange dialect and goes searching for covers again*

2005-08-14 [Ashoka Virlym]: *looks at Dramora and nods*ok...

2005-08-14 [BergundyAngel]: *manages to grab a corner and throw it over myself.rests again that will have to do for now.... mumbling again in a strange dialect*

2005-08-14 [orchidflame]: *smiles*you better get to sleep*leads him back to the bed and jumps up and lays down on the canopy and falls asleep*

2005-08-14 [Ashoka Virlym]: *looks at Dramora then slowly goes over to Baal*...

2005-08-14 [BergundyAngel]: *tail twitches for a few seconds then goes limp over the side of the bed*

2005-08-14 [Ashoka Virlym]: ...

2005-08-14 [BergundyAngel]: *sleeping quietly yet looking rather mad and mumbling again* no... Not again.... the pain *sob*

2005-08-14 [Ashoka Virlym]: *goes over to her and softly shakes her*..Baal?..

2005-08-14 [BergundyAngel]: * stirs slightly and mumbles again* not again * wakes with a start and sits bolt upright. rubs eyes* what are you doing up?

2005-08-14 [Ashoka Virlym]: *looks at you then scoots back*well i had to go to the bathroom but im afaid of the dark...

2005-08-14 [BergundyAngel]: oh well if you would like i cold get some candles or something to light up a little of the room. * looking around* i knew i should have built that fireplace i wanted. do you want me to find something?

2005-08-14 [BergundyAngel]: *starts scooting out of bed to go look for candles* you can come along. i wouldn't want to leave you here by yourself.

2005-08-14 [Ashoka Virlym]: *nods*yea im coming..

2005-08-14 [BergundyAngel]: * heads down stairs * you wouldn't mind my asking why your so afraid of the dark, would you? * heading towards the kitchen pantry*

2005-08-14 [Ashoka Virlym]: *fallows*i donmt know why ...i just been afaid ..i just think that something is like out to get me...

2005-08-14 [BergundyAngel]: *opens the pantry and rumaging through things... looks back at you* i wouldn't let anything get to you. i promise *returns to rummaging*

2005-08-14 [Ashoka Virlym]: *looks at you and smiles but you couldnt see that the stiches in my cheek where out*

2005-08-14 [BergundyAngel]: *finding two rose colored candles and two navy blue candles and 3 lite blue candles i emerge from the pantry hold them* now to find something to light them with *smiles* do you have anything? or do you want to look for something in here *nods at the pantry*

2005-08-14 [Ashoka Virlym]: *checks my pockets for anything to light them then looks at you*no i dont...

2005-08-14 [BergundyAngel]: *smiling* ok them could you hold these so i can look in the pantry. *brings you the candles*

2005-08-14 [Ashoka Virlym]: *at the same time i was taking the candles my hand touches your hand*...

2005-08-14 [BergundyAngel]: *blushes and quickly turns to the pantry to hide my face while clumsily searching for matches* i dont seem to be able to find ... never mind here they are. *pauses holding them but not yet daring to turn around*

2005-08-14 [Ashoka Virlym]: *takes the candles and holds them to my chest*um ok..

2005-08-14 [BergundyAngel]: *takes a deep breath and turns around* we should get these up to the room. *closing the pantry and heading to the back to the bedroom*

2005-08-14 [Ashoka Virlym]: *fallows*ok..

2005-08-14 [BergundyAngel]: * entering the room quietly as to not wake dramora* do you want to put these by the bed or on the table?

2005-08-15 [Ashoka Virlym]: by the bed...

2005-08-15 [BergundyAngel]: ok hand me a few of those and i'll put them on my side and you can put the others on your side *reachs for some candles*

2005-08-15 [Ashoka Virlym]: *gives you some and then i take some over to the side*..

2005-08-15 [BergundyAngel]: *turning and heading to my side of the bed and smiling broadly... i set the candles down and lighten each* do you want to light yours *climbing over the bed to hand you the matches*

2005-08-15 [Ashoka Virlym]: *nods*yea *then takes them and lights the candles*

2005-08-15 [BergundyAngel]: *sits and watches auden light the candles* is this enough light for you?

2005-08-15 [Ashoka Virlym]: *looks around then nodes*yep

2005-08-15 [BergundyAngel]: *watching you look around i notice you stichs missing* what happened *climbs closer and reachs up to turn your face so i can see your wound better* oh what happened *a very worried tone*

2005-08-15 [Ashoka Virlym]: *doesnt know what she is talking aout*nothing?..

2005-08-15 [BergundyAngel]: (( hey i'll be back as soon as i can. my sis wants to use the comp for a few. i'll be back i promise))

2005-08-15 [BergundyAngel]: *reachs under the bed and pulls out a large bag. opens the bag and pulls out a gold edged mirror with intricate designs around the crown and footing* look *hold the mirror up for you to see*

2005-08-16 [Ashoka Virlym]: *looks at my self seeing*whoa how?..oh it might have came out when i was moving..sometime i move im my sleep....

2005-08-16 [BergundyAngel]: I dont know if i should try to sew it back up. it is scabbing over rather well but if i dont it will leave a big nasty scar *touches the scab* does it still hurt?

2005-08-16 [BergundyAngel]: *worrying a little but not daring try again* i guess i'm going to go to sleep i am really tired. *crawls over to the other side of the bed. gets under the covers and clings to the side of the bed* i hope you can get some sleep now

2005-08-16 [orchidflame]: *wakes up and jumps down and pokes Baal*Baal its 2:00 in the afternoon!!!wake up!

2005-08-16 [BergundyAngel]: *wakes with a terrified start* oh my god!!! what... what time is it again? oh god.... what happened?

2005-08-16 [orchidflame]: *yawns*we slept in,its 2:00pm

2005-08-16 [BergundyAngel]: *looks around suspiciously* i wonder why? i usually get up as soon as the sun hits the windows. *worried look apears* wheres auden?

2005-08-16 [orchidflame]: *looks at her and points to a lump under the covers thats snoring and she's leaning against*right there honey*laughs*that kid sleeps like a rock!

2005-08-16 [BergundyAngel]: *sobering face... while getting ready to go out side* oh ok. check his face make sure it's healing... or at least scabbing well... i have to go made breakfast and check on the animals outside. *heads for the door* i'm sorry i didn't even ask if you would. could you do that for me.

2005-08-16 [BergundyAngel]: *looks back at the bed and then heads down to the kitchen in a hurry* i can't believe how late i slept! *mumbling curses at myself under my breath* damnit!!!

2005-08-17 [Demon-child]: ::stretched out flat on back, mouth open, and snoring:: ::wakes up with a start:: Oy. Geez. Mouth feels disgusting.

2005-08-17 [BergundyAngel]: *knocking on your door* wake up it's late!!!

2005-08-17 [Ashoka Virlym]: *well i got in the covers and went to sleep right away after we got the candles light and i was still asleep*...

2005-08-17 [BergundyAngel]: *running to the kitchen* ugh. gotta get food cooked and then feed animals *mad rush to get breakfast started*

2005-08-17 [Demon-child]: ::turns over and groans:: Why, oh why do I feel so icky? ::sees amount of sunlight in room:: Oh. ::laboriously gets to feet::

2005-08-17 [Demon-child]: ::scratches head:: ::yawns:: Not a morning person. ::stumbles out of room half-conscious to go help with chores::

2005-08-17 [BergundyAngel]: *yells really loud* breakfast is done!!! sausage, biscuts and gravy, and eggs or waffles. *grabs a sausage and wraps a waffle around it and runs outside with half of it sticking out of my mouth*

2005-08-17 [Ashoka Virlym]: *wakes up from the nose down stairs then i walk in the kitchen rubbing my eyes*what's with the nose?..

2005-08-17 [Demon-child]: Oooo, breakfast. Lovely. ::yawn:: ::snatches biscuit, stuffs it in mouth and then goes to feed the winged horses their birdseed::

2005-08-17 [Demon-child]: MMmm, tasty. You are a velly velly good cook. ::munch munch::

2005-08-17 [Ashoka Virlym]: *gets behind Baal not knowing the new person*...

2005-08-17 [BergundyAngel]: *looks behind me awkwardly* and you are back there why. *heading back to the kitchen table for seconds* do you want some?

2005-08-17 [BergundyAngel]: *remembering rauka* oh auden this is rauka and rauka this is auden...*looking at auden* she came in last night while you were asleep.

2005-08-17 [Demon-child]: Um, hi. ::waves shyly, trying to find something to hide behind:: Er, nice to meet you.

2005-08-17 [BergundyAngel]: *rolls eyes* would you guys like to both hide behind me while i do my work??? cause i have to go and feed the horses, gryphons/griffons, and the courtyard animals. then i have to go check the horses in the pasture. your both more than welcome to come along. 8sticks another waffle wrapped sausage in my mouth and heads out the back door towards the barn*

2005-08-17 [orchidflame]: *walks in and stares at the new comer strangley and folds my wings around me embarressed and in only my underwear*ermmmmmmm hiya

2005-08-17 [Demon-child]: ::blushes:: Uh, hi. ::waves:: ::tries to hide behind dragonight hiding behind bergundyangel::

2005-08-17 [orchidflame]: *mutters*~*Im glad I put underwear on today-_-*~((*laughs insanely*sorry Im slightly crazy.............))

2005-08-17 [BergundyAngel]: *sticks head around corner hearing dramora and begins laughing so hard i fall on the floor* i am sorry about not telling you about rauka. *laughing till i'm crying*

2005-08-17 [Demon-child]: ::stops blushing:: ::smiles ruefully:: Hello, I'm new, and I'm crazy too, isn't it lovely? I'm just a wee bit nervous around new people.

2005-08-17 [Ashoka Virlym]: *walks out from behind and rauka sees that i had a cut or"scar" on my cheed and that i did have stitches but they came out last night and i still had my stitches on my neck*Hello..

2005-08-17 [orchidflame]: *blushes*well now she's seen me half naked-_-'*laughs lightly*

2005-08-17 [BergundyAngel]: * that is terrably funny *getting back to my feet* i was just going to see if you guys wanted to help with the animals in the courtyard? *still laughing* but i guess i hsould make sure your all dressed first.

2005-08-17 [Demon-child]: ::smiles:: Hello. ::picks up another biscuit and starts nibbling:: Yum, food. ::in blissful happy-land::

2005-08-17 [Ashoka Virlym]: well im going to go feed Dagger.. right now

2005-08-17 [BergundyAngel]: okies later. i have to go check on the pasture animals so i guess i'm heading somewhat that way.

2005-08-17 [Ashoka Virlym]: ok..*slow walks then takes off running to see Dagger*...

2005-08-17 [orchidflame]: *gasps as Im left standing with the new comer*ummmmmmm*picks up a biscuit my wings still tightly wrapped around me and starts to eat it*

2005-08-17 [Demon-child]: ::finishes biscuit:: Okay, I'm going to grab a bit more to eat and then I can help, if you want.

2005-08-17 [orchidflame]: *slips out of the room glowing a peachy pink color and unfolds my wings and flies back into the hall and walks down it and into Baal's room and puts my clothes back on and walks down back into the kitchen*ummmmmm Im sorry you had to see that...........

2005-08-17 [BergundyAngel]: sure *looks at dramora and smiles* the food will still be here after you get dressed. i promise. *turns and heads towards the barn to prepare glyph to go to the pasture*

2005-08-17 [Demon-child]: ::waves hand:: ::grins:: It's okay. I've gotten kinda used to it.

2005-08-17 [Ashoka Virlym]: *comes back*Dagger has his morning meal...

2005-08-17 [BergundyAngel]: *walks past auden*which did you give him??? *opening the door*

2005-08-17 [Demon-child]: Gah. ::messanger dragon pops up and whispers something:: I have to go catch some naughty, naughty havoc-wreaking demons. ::disappears::

2005-08-17 [Ashoka Virlym]: *thinks*the one to give horses?..

2005-08-17 [BergundyAngel]: sure... ok...*walks out the door and runs to the barn calling glyph to grab his tack* *whistling really loud*

2005-08-17 [Ashoka Virlym]: *covers ears when Baal whistles*

2005-08-17 [orchidflame]: *walks out of the house and stands next to Baal and whistles the beautifuly haunting tune and Nihar walks up to me and I saddle him with hand made tack I made awhile ago then I mount*ready to ride everyone?*glows blue*

2005-08-17 [Ashoka Virlym]: *looks at them*oO?..erm No?..

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